Phase IV, President
Phase IV, Vice President
At Large
Tom Burns Ave BrouckaertSandy Sharland
Phase IV, President
Phase IV, Vice President
Phase III, President
Phase III, Vice President
Phase III, President
Phase III, Vice President
Forty-five years ago, Tamarac was virgin territory and condominiums became a new concept in life style. The warmth and sunshine in Florida were a powerful lure to people who lived in cold climates. The trek to the South was almost phenomenal in scope. We came not in covered wagons, but in 747’s and staked our claims to a new beginning. In May 1974, the first residents began moving into Lime Bay. Lime Bay was one of the hundreds of Condominiums dotting the South Florida landscape. But it was an outstanding one – a place where one can live as one chooses. The air was clean and the sun was warm.Leadership Developers had paved the way for volunteers to take over the planning and managing required. They had arranged for a social director to organize social clubs. Lime Bay was a beehive of activities with a full schedule of meetings, parties, and shows. Also, many friendships were formed at the poolside. As we look back through the years, can you imagine the countless events that took place in the Lime Bay Clubhouse. As you enter the lobby it stands, imposing, yet inviting, walls covered with bulletin boards with meeting notices, activities and assorted items of interest. The lobby includes a reception desk and business offices, pool room a library and card rooms.As the years move on, we ask, what makes- Lime Bay a viable condominium? Only the dedication of the multitude of volunteers who attend to the hundred and one items that must be attended to on a daily basis. And overall, a capable, knowledgeable Board of Directors carrying on the affairs of this multi-million-dollar corporation with forty-two acres of ground, eighteen three-story buildings, tennis courts, shuffle board courts and pools where fifteen hundred fortunate “Seniors” live out the American Dream. Be Active, Be Social, and the Fun is Guaranteed!
“The central hub of social activity and physical recreation is at Lime Bay’s clubhouse. Residents gather at the clubhouse for meetings, events, and parties. ”
Susan Burns
Condo Owners